Child Protection

Bangor Lawn Tennis Club is fully committed to the well being of all its members and to ensure that the best practice is followed by this club we shall work closely with Ulster Branch Tennis Ireland/Tennis Ireland.

In order to provide the best practice in children’s sport, we shall, to the best of our ability as an amateur body, comply with the relevant guidelines of the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport; as set out in Section 2.7.

Every member should, at all times, show respect and understanding for their rights and safety while conducting themselves in a way that reflects the club ethos and the principles and guidelines contained within the Code of Ethics for Children’s Sport.

The Club Committee shall have the authority to appoint, each year, up to two club members to act as Children’s Officers who, if not already members of the Club Committee, shall be given ex officio status on the said committee. Where two such members are appointed there shall be, where possible, one of each gender.

The Club Committee shall draw up a Code of Practice for leaders who are in charge of Club organised activities.

The Club Captain shall be the designated person to liaise with the Statutory Authorities in relation to the reporting of allegations or suspicions of child abuse.

Where allegations or suspicions of child abuse involving any member are drawn to the attention of the Club Captain the Club Captain shall immediately inform the member that his/her membership is suspended. At the next club committee meeting the committee shall confirm or withdraw the suspension following the procedure used for expulsion of members under Rule 21. Suspended members have the right to appeal the suspension as laid down for expelled members under Rule 21.


Leaders/Coaches in charge of organised tennis for children:

  • Should avoid spending excessive amounts of time with individual children away from others
  • Should ensure that a minimum of two adults are present for all children’s activities
  • Should avoid taking children to the Sport Leader’s home
  • Should try to have an adult present from each gender when working with mixed gender groups
  • Should avoid taking any child on journeys alone in their car.

No person

  • Shall use any form of corporal punishment or physical force on a child
  • Shall exert undue influence over a child to obtain personal benefit or reward
  • Shall engage in rough, physical or sexually provocative games or allow or engage in inappropriate touching of any kind and/or make sexual comments about, or to, a child.


The Junior Club shall not operate unless there are at least two adult members present to supervise.

Parents bringing children to Junior Club are responsible for ensuring that a t least two adult members are present to supervise before leaving.

Persons transporting children on behalf of the club should never travel with a single child in their vehicle unless the child is a family member.


Parents are responsible for ensuring that at least one other adult, other than the coach, is present during any individual coaching.

Bangor Lawn Tennis Club Child Protection Policy Statement

  1. Bangor Lawn Tennis Club aims to create an enjoyable environment for all juniors who wish to take part in tennis, other sport and social activities at the club.
  2. The Club emphasises that young people have the right to be safe, secure and free from threat.
  3. The Club acknowledges that young people have the right to be treated with respect and for their concerns to be listened to and acted upon.
  4. The Club will ensure that junior members have specific programmes and facilities designated for them, with adequate supervision. (This should not usually exceed a ratio of 1:8 for under 8’s and 1:10 for children aged over 8 years)
  5. The club has procedures in place to help any young person who requests help and support on a confidential basis, in issues relating to Child Protection.
  6. The Club will ensure that the Head Coach holds a Tennis Ireland qualification. Other coaches and coaching assistants must hold a coaching qualifications and work under the direction of the Head Coach. All coaching staff will have been subject to vetting checks, copies of which will be held by the Club Secretary.
  7. The Club will ensure that all coaches have adequate insurance.
  8. The Club will ensure that all coaching staff and Club Officers attend appropriate Child Protection courses.
  9. The Club will ensure that any members and volunteers working with children are aware of and apply the Code of Conduct for those working with Young People in Tennis.
  10. The club has two adult members who are specifically responsible for young people, their contact details are available in the Club House

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